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The enabled / disabled security (cryptographic) algorithms used by Tornado are controlled by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Certain algorithms (Such as older SSL and TLS methods) can…
Monitoring Key Docmosis Cloud API end points are monitored every 60 seconds with deep-tests checking the contents of the generated test documents. Historical uptime results can be viewed…
A key advantage of Docmosis is that a field name <<fieldname1>> can be typed straight into the template, between a pair of angled brackets - doing away with…
The outputName parameter, used in the call to the API, can be set dynamically so that each time the call is made a new file name is used…
The Cloud service is hosted using AWS and is available in multiple AWS regions. The Cloud processing location refers to the physical location being used by the Cloud…
Calling the Cloud API requires selecting the correct Base URL (used constructing the full URL of the endpoint) and have a valid access key. Log in to the…
From DWS4 a Cloud account is a collection of users and environments. A free trial account initially has one environment and one user, which is the person that…
In DWS4, a Cloud account can have multiple users and each user is assigned a specific role. The roles available are: Administrator has full access to all features…
A Cloud environment is a collection of templates, images and is used when generating documents using those items. Environments allow users to separate and partition their work into…
A user can belong to multiple accounts and users can also have different roles in the various accounts that they belong to. When logging in to the Cloud…
When calling the Cloud API, the service requires an access key to authenticate that the request is valid and also to identify which environment should be used when…
Each account has a quota, which is the maximum number of pages that can be generated in a calendar month. The account quota is not treated as a…
The Fontslist.pdf download above contains the full list of fonts along with an example of each font. Below is the list of all the fonts currently available on…
Docmosis email delivery The Docmosis Cloud has the ability to deliver the generated document by email. The Zapier integration enables you to specify a single email address, a…
Request parameters are settings that can be specified in a zap to modify the document generation process. The parameters accessKey, templateName and outputName are mandatory request parameters that …
Why is my template not showing? Possible Causes Authentication with incorrect access key: If you've authenticated using an Access key meant for a different environment, the template list…
(Apr 2022) This manual is intended to be a complete reference for software developers and integrators for making the most of Docmosis Cloud services. This manual covers the …
(MAR 2019) This manual is intended to be a complete reference for template authors responsible for designing Docmosis templates. Designing a template is a combination of: formatting and…
(Apr 2022) This document provides a summary of all supported Docmosis Elements, Operators, Expressions, Functions, Ranges and Built-in Variables.
(Apr 2022) A summary of each Cloud release including: New Features / Changes. API Changes. Bug Fixes / Technical Changes.
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