Secure Document Generation with AWS PrivateLink

Send requests to the Cloud API from your AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) via AWS PrivateLink.

Why use PrivateLink?

Sending your requests via AWS PrivateLink can:

  • Improve security by keeping your data within the Amazon network (no internet traversal)
  • Meet regulatory compliance requirements such as HIPAA and EU-US Privacy Shield
  • Reduce your AWS egress costs

All DWS4 endpoints are supported enabling secure document generation.


PrivateLink is available to customers using the Enterprise tier of DWS4 plans.

Supported Regions and Availability Zones

DWS4 provides AWS PrivateLink endpoints for: 

Docmosis Region AWS Region Availability Zones
US1 (United States) us-east-1 (North Virginia)



EU1 (Europe) eu-central-1 (Frankfurt)



AU1 (Australia) ap-southeast-2 (Sydney)



How to setup PrivateLink

1. Contact Docmosis support (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with the AWS Region you intend to use and your AWS Account ID.  This will be used to verify the origin of the connection request.

2. Docmosis support will reply with the AWS endpoint service name.

3. Create an interface endpoint in AWS using the service name and let us know when its ready. For example:

Create a AWS Endpoint

4. We will verify and accept the pending connection request.

5. Enable the "Private DNS names" setting on your Endpoint, which will do the DNS mapping to the internal address for our service (eg: To do so, click Actions -> Modify private DNS name:

Modify Private DNS name

Tick "Enable for this endpoint" and save:
Enable Changes for the endpoint

Once this is in place, AWS will automatically direct traffic to the relevant Docmosis service using the internal network addresses.  No changes to application code or configuration is required.

Note: If you would like to use PrivateLink from a region other than the current supported regions listed above you will need to setup a peering connection, see AWS instructions

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