What is the best way to allocate the account quota to the environments?

Each account has a quota, which is the maximum number of pages that can be generated in a calendar month. The account quota is not treated as a hard limit. Should usage during the month exceed the quota, the account will continue to function.

The account quota can be divided and allocated between any available environments.

The environment quota is the maximum number of pages that can be generated in a month in that environment.

You can allocated the account quota to the different environments from this page:



Users can specify if an environment quota should be treated as a “hard limit”, in which case document generation will stop when the quota is reached.

Users should consider using the hard limit feature in non-essential environments, like “Sandbox” or “Dev/Test” environments. Typically accounts like “Live” or “Production” should not have the hard limit setting applied.

This approach ensures that an unexpected over-run in a non-essential environment does not adversely impact an essential environment.

Please be aware of our approach to repeated or excessive account quota overruns as outlined in our Fair Use Policy.