What are the options for managing a document after it is generated in a Docmosis Zapier workflow?

Docmosis email delivery

The Docmosis Cloud has the ability to deliver the generated document by email. The Zapier integration enables you to specify a single email address, a subject line, and an email body, with the capability to incorporate HTML to format the body of the email.

Email delivery is simple to configure and very useful in debugging and troubleshooting the initial document generation setup and workflows..

This delivery document delivery method is suitable for simple workflows where documents don't need to be stored and can just be delivered via one-time emails.

Advanced Workflows with Zapier Integration

For more complex workflows, Zapier provides over 300 other apps, like Box, Google Drive, and OneDrive that can be used to store the generated documents. These apps can be added to the document generation workflow using Zapier, in a three-step Zap.

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