No valid license available: Your docmosis license has expired

You need a valid License Key to run Docmosis-Java or Tornado.


If you have not previously requested a Trial Licence Key...

You can do so here.

For Docmosis-Java: You will need to add the License key into your file or Java code.

For Tornado: You will need to add the Licence Key in the Configuration tab. Save and then restart Tornado.

Please check that you have correctly cut/paste all of the lines from the Licence Key email we sent you.


If you are setting up Docmosis for the first time...

Occasionally different email clients add extra carriage returns into the Licence Key we send you.

Please contact Support and we can send you a .txt file with the licence key.


If you have previously had Docmosis running...

Then your Licence Key has expired.

Please Note: If you are entering a new license key and you incorrectly cut/paste the required information, that may also result in the message "your docmosis license has expired".

 Please complete this form to request a trial extension.