Getting Started with Docmosis-Java

Step 1. Get your license key

You will need a license key to run Docmosis-Java and generate documents.

If you don't have a license key, you can obtain a Docmosis-Java trial license key here.

Step 2. Download the JAR file

Download the latest version of Docmosis-Java as a ZIP file from the Software Downloads category.

The ZIP contains the docmosis.jar JAR file that you can add to your application.

Download and follow the Docmosis-Java Developer Reference, that is available in the Documentation category and is also bundled in the ZIP.

Step 3. Generating a document for the first time

The easiest way to start using Docmosis-Java for the first time is with the Create a PDF from Docmosis-Java code sample in the Code Samples category.

There you can download which includes:

  • WeclomeTemplate.doc
  • readme.txt

Open the readme.txt for instructions on how to modify the code sample to work with your environment and trial license key.

This article covers Setting up Docmosis-Java in Eclipse.


System requirements

System requirements for Docmosis-Java:

Java Version 6 or later
LibreOffice See note below on which version to use

The LibreOffice software can be found and downloaded from the LibreOffice Download page. 

Note: For LibreOffice, we recommend the version just prior to the latest version, as this is likely to be more stable and therefore better suited to enterprise or corporate environments.


Please contact Support if you need help setting up your environment.