Generate Award Notification Letter from Template

This example shows an effective way to create a “global letterhead” using sub-templates. 

This means a set of templates can access a common copy of the letterhead to achieve consistent branding across all generated documents.  If the letterhead requires future modifications, then changes only need to be made in one place, not to every template!

This example also demonstrates how to add a “wreath” watermark to the body of the letter. 


This example in detail

This example uses sub-templates, a picture watermark, and a comma-separated list.

Using a global letterhead

For this example, the letterhead has been created as two separate images; a header image and footer image.  Two smaller images enable faster rendering than one large page-sized image with white space in the middle.

To create the appearance of a letterhead:

  1. Create a sub-template called headerSubTemplate.docx that contains the header image.
    Word document with a header used as sub template

  2. Create a sub-template called footerSubTemplate.docx that contains the footer image.
    Word document with footer used as a sub template

To pull the “letterhead” into the master template:

  • Use the <<ref: instruction to directly reference the header and footer sub-templates in the main template; awardLetterTemplate.docx
    Reference sub template in master template to generate documents

For more information and technical examples on using sub-templates, see Master/Sub Templates

Creating the header and footer sub-templates

The images must be added to the body in the sub templates as the header and footer regions in sub-templates are ignored when generating the document.

In the body section of a blank Word document, insert the header image (or footer image) from Pictures on the Insert ribbon tab.

  • Choose Picture Format tab > Position > More Layout Options window.
  • On the Text Wrapping tab, select Behind Text.
    Position images behind text for accurate document generation
  • On the Position tab, choose a Centered Top alignment for the header image. Press OK.
    (Choose a Centered Bottom alignment for the footer image)
    Align images for accurate document generation
    With the image now anchored and positioned, use the image handles to stretch the header or footer image to match the width of the page. 

 Applying a picture watermark

To insert the wreath image as a watermark in the body:

  1. On the Design tab, select Watermark.
  2. Select Custom Watermark, and then choose Picture Watermark.
  3. Click Select Picture, choose the wreath image, and select Insert.
  4. Retain Auto scaling and uncheck the Washout option and click OK.
    Add Watermark to the word master template
    In this example the wreath image is already translucent by design but for opaque images tick the Washout checkbox.

By default, the watermark is centered on the page, but it is easy to change its position.

To move the watermark:

  1. Double-click at the top of the page to open the header.
  2. Click the watermark to select it.
    (Try moving the cursor over the watermark until it switches to a four-headed arrow.)
  3. Drag the watermark to the desired position.
    Position watermark on the master template

Showing a comma separated list

The output letter includes this sentence with a list of the sponsors.

Snippet of the generated document with list data

The sponsors are obtained from the sponsorList array in the data.

List data to be inserted in the template

The code is designed to show the sponsors separated by commas with an “and” between the last two sponsors.

Template snippet formatting the list data

For a detailed explanation on comma separated lists, see This, This and That


Document Gallery

Docmosis showcases its template-based document generation capabilities through a gallery of downloadable PDF documents. The gallery features a mixture of real documents provided by customers as well as links to PDFs generated from example templates, desgined to illustrate the versatility of Docmosis.