This example shows how to delete a template from the cloud using Python. It calls the Docmosis REST API to delete a template file on the cloud.
The sample code includes the instructions to get started. You will need a Free Trial and then plug your Docmosis Cloud access key into the code below, then run.
Note: This code sample is written to specifically work with DWS4.
# This example shows how to use Python to call the Docmosis Cloud service to delete a template. import json import requests import datetime # Set your region url here. # End-point in the USA URL = '' # End-point in the EU #URL = '' # End-point in AUS #URL = '' # Set your access key here. This is visible in your cloud account in the Docmosis Web Site. # It is your key to accessing your service - keep it private and safe. accessKey='XXX' #Set the name of the template you wish to delete templateName="myTemplate.docx" if accessKey=='XXX': print('Please set your access key') exit() payload = {'accessKey':accessKey, 'templateName':templateName} headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} r =, data=payload, headers = headers) if r.status_code == print('template deleted'); else: print('Failed'); print(r.text)